These committees are components of the ISI’s organizational structure, along with the Executive Committee and the Council.

ISI Membership Elections Committee
ISI Nominations Committee

Standing Committees

These committees are components of the ISI’s organizational structure, along with the Executive Committee and the Council.

According to the ISI Statutes, article 10, the current Standing Committees are:
• ISI Membership Elections Committee
• ISI Nominations Committee

New Standing Committees are installed by the at the proposal of the Executive Committee after consultation with the Council.


Standing Committees
This Committee is charged with the duty of examining all nominations for elected International Statistical Institute membership duly prepared in accordance with the provisions of article 1.3 of the ISI By-Laws.

It is appointed before the end of March every second year by the Executive Committee and shall be composed of at least seven elected members, two of whom shall be elected Council members. 

The objective of this Committee is to select a slate of candidates for the Executive Committee and elected members of the International Statistical Institute's Council in accordance with article 4.1 of ISI By-Laws.
The Executive Council appoints the chair and the members of the Nominations Committee. This Committee reports to the ISI President.
Ola Awad, Chair Membership Elections Committee

John A. Bailer, Chair Nominations Committee