Outreach Committees

Outreach Committees creating dynamic settings by organising and attending meeting, launching projects, and building relationships in various areas.


ISI Outreach Committees
Outreach Committees develop activities, networks and promote the ISI in different regions.

An Outreach Committee is established by the Council in accordance with ISI Statutes & By-Laws. Chairs of Outreach Committees must be ISI members, and members of Outreach Committees must be members of the ISI and/or its Associations. The chair as well as the committee members are appointed by the ISI Executive Committee. The members of the Committee are appointed in consultation with the chair.

Each Outreach Committee establishes, maintains and promotes an associated ISI Regional Network in their region.
Current Committees:

• Central Eurasia Outreach Committee
• East Asian Outreach Committee
• South East Asia Outreach Committee
» East Asian Outreach Committee
The International Statistical Institute East Asian Outreach Committee is one of outreach committee's ISI.

The objectives of the Committee are:
1. To identify the potential members from the countries in the region the committee will cooperate closely with the statistical societies in the region, both national and specialized ones.
2. To activate and to share information regionally for the joint statistical activities of holding conferences among the regional subsections of ISI Associations.

Through the outreach committee, the different countries can come together to support the growth of statistical activities in the region.

Chair East Asian Outreach: Mike K.P. So

Advancing Data Science in Accelerating Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

» South East Asia Outreach Committee
The South East Asia Committee provide those involved in statistical activities in the South East Asia region:

• A platform to share information and promote Statistics within South East Asia;
• A forum to communicate with the global statistical community;
• An opportunity to become engaged in the activities of the ISI.

The Committee works closely with national statistical organisations to develop regional activities in areas such as developing statistical education, sharing of best statistical practices, and stimulating regional collaborations in research and new developments. Related activities can include organising capacity-building workshops, mentoring, webinars, short courses, etc. The ISI has considerable experience and interest in these activities.
See picture
Chair South East Asian Outreach: Hizir Sofyan