Advisory Board on Ethics

The ISI Advisory Board on Ethics advises the Executive Committee and Council on relevant ethical issues. It recommends and undertakes activities for promoting observance of ethical principles in statistics.

The work of the Board is based on the ISI Declaration on Professional Ethics and guided by ISI’s mission and its relevant objectives. The ISI Advisory Board on Ethics was established in 2010.


→ Honesty. Integrity. Values. Introduction about the committee.

Ethical values in statistics include professionalism, which goes far beyond methodological competence. For example, the ISI Declaration on Ethics states: ‘We use our statistical knowledge, data, and analyses for the Common Good to serve the society.’ It is therefore not least a matter of ensuring that statistics are fit for this purpose. Consequently, statisticians must deal with what the common good is and who is allowed to prioritise and decide in the case of conflicting interests.
The declaration on this: ‘We follow processes aimed at ensuring the social acceptability of using the data for the statistical purposes we pursue (including linked data sets).’ Against this background, statisticians are called upon to contribute to the achievement of the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to leave no one behind (LNOB), both in the individual professional environment and in the national and international sphere.

By Walter Radermacher, Chair

→ Activities and results: Q4 2022 – 2023.

Update of the ethics declaration

The Advisory Board of Ethics thought it was time to review the Declaration on Professional Ethics 2010 considering changes in the statistical environment. The most important are the increased use of so-called ‘big data’, administrative data especially linked data sets, and the availability of computationally heavy methods such as machine learning. The review showed that the 2010 statement is still largely valid. Nonetheless, some updates and additions have been included, addressing aspects of newer methodologies and data sources or the integration of ethics into professional statistics training.
Disseminating and promoting the revised Declaration

Together with this review, the Advisory Board on Ethics has set itself the goal of raising awareness and propagating the ethical values and principles. In a first step, translations of the Declaration were made into numerous languages with this aim in mind.

Education in ethics is an important part of the training of statisticians but often not given sufficient attention. An Education Working Group was established to further promote the Declaration through education activities, for example the development of education resources that are modern and interactive for promotion, training and education of statistical ethics. Cooperation with other organisations and statistical associations involved in relevant education activities is crucial to the successful achievement of this objective.

We can’t simply do our science and not worry about the ethical issues. — Bill Joy, American Computer Scientist and Businessman