These Committees focus on the overall functioning of the ISI and its long-term
concerns as an international body representing the statistical profession and community.

Operational Committees

Operational Committees are under the guidance of the Executive Committee and the Council.

These Committees focus on the overall functioning of the ISI and its long-term concerns as an international body representing the statistical profession and community.

The chairs and members must be ISI members, and they are appointed by the Council on recommendation from the Executive Committee.


→ Eight Operational Committees

Scientific Programme Committee
Oversees the ISI World Statistics Congress programme, managing session and paper submissions, abstract reviews, and final programme structure.
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Short Courses Committee
Plans the ISI World Statistics Congress short courses. The SC Committee collaborate closely with the ISI, Associations and the Permanent Office, coordinating organisers, local universities, and international instructors.
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Online Courses Committee
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Advisory Board on Ethics
Advises the Executive Committee and Council on pertinent ethical matters, and suggests or carries out initiatives to encourage adherence to ethical principles in statistics.
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Finance Committee
Annually reviews ISI finances, submits reports on finances and investments for the Annual Report, advises on investment policies, reserves size, and Permanent Office staff salaries.
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Committee on the Public Voice of Statistics
One of the strategic goals is to strengthen and extend the public voice of statistics and statisticians. The ISI Council has therefore approved a committee to implement this goal. A variety of areas of importance have been identified.
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Publications Committee
ISI aims to promote research and best practices in statistics, and improve statistics education.The Publication Committee plays a key role in coordinating ISI and ISI Association publication activities and advising the Executive Committee, Council, and Associations.
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Capacity Building Committee
Empowers statisticians and data scientists to maximise their potential. Through collaborative learning environments and initiatives, we facilitate connections between statisticians, data scientists, and other professions, making them more relevant to society.
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Finance Committee

In addition to its advisory role on financial matters to the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee also reports to the General Assembly on the accounts of the past year, including the statement of the official auditors. This report is based on the detailed documentation on the finances of the International Statistical Institute and its Associations of the previous year.

The accounts of the and its Associations are in good order and consistent with general accounting norms. The Committee therefore recommended the report be presented at General Assembly.
In respect of this prognosis for 2024, it has become all the more important to look at possibilities to increase revenues. In respect of this need for additional revenues, various initiatives have already been started by the Executive Committee.

In relation to the investment policy, the Finance Committee is pleased to report that a change has been made in respect of the way in which the available funds of the organisation are invested.

“Money doesn’t necessarily make happy. But a sound financial basis for the ISI provides the much needed financial stability and sustainability in moving forward. It also provides us with the opportunity to keep conference fees at acceptable levels, thereby providing support for people with less financial resources. It matters that everyone can take part in our conferences, and thus participate in the worldwide exchange of statistical knowledge and expertise, including innovative methods and tools, to compile high-quality statistics which are an invaluable service to our society at large.”

- Peter van de Ven, Finance Committee Chair

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee takes responsibility for coordinating and providing editorial support to International Statistical Institute publication projects. This relates to:

1. International Statistical Review
International Statistical Review is the flagship journal of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and its family of Associations.

2. Stat
Stat is an innovative electronic journal for the rapid publication of novel and topical research results, publishing compact articles of the highest quality in all areas of statistical endeavour. Its purpose is to provide a means of rapid sharing of important new theoretical, methodological and applied research. Stat is a joint venture between the International Statistical Institute and Wiley.
International Statistical Review is the flagship journal of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and its family of Associations.