4) Stroud JR, Burr WS, Pirani M, Boone EL, Swallow B, Wheeler M. Fast Gaussian Processes for spatial processes - How smooth is your latent process? Under review
5) Bonas, M., Datta, A., Wikle, C.W., Boone, E.L., Alamri, F.S., Hari, B.V., Kavila, I., Simmons, S.J., Jarvis, S.M., Burr, W.S., Pagendam, D., Chang, W. and Castruccio, S. (2023). Assessing Predictability of Environmental Processes with Statistical and Machine Learning Models, under review.We thank the organizing committee: Monica Pirani, Chair (UK), Carolina Euan (UK/Mexico), Stefano Castruccio (USA), Susan Simmons (USA), Melanie Meis (Argentina), and Jonathan Stroud (USA)