Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups focus on matters of statistical interest that may reach across areas of statistics and/or link statistics with other disciplines.

Some of these groups are of relevance across all of the ISI and its Associations. Other SIGs link particular interests across the ISI and its Associations, or link with other disciplines and/or professional interests and/or bodies and/or current developments.



Young Statisticians Committee

The Young Statisticians Committee focused on collaboration and expanding connection with other young statisticians communities.

The Young Statisticians Committee is for young professional aspirers who are relatively new in the field of statistics.



"Just as in data, where even outliers provide valuable insights, the unique contributions of every individual are vital. The energy and perspectives of young statisticians highlight that everyone counts and every voice enriches our collective understanding."

Christian E. Galarza, Committee Chair


SIG on Sports Statistics

The special interest group on sport statistics wants to promote the understanding, development and good practice of sports statistics worldwide, with particular focus on methodological problems involved and the in-field application of methods and models, from three different perspectives: scientific research, statistical capacity building and education at different levels.

Chair: Monica Manisera



About the Special Interest Group on Sports Statistics
The Committee was renewed in 2019 and has its own Management Committee, approved on July 14, 2020 by the ISI Executive Committee. The main objective of the ISI SIG is to promote the understanding, development and good practice of sports statistics worldwide, with particular regard to the methodological problems involved and the in-field application of methods and models, from three different perspectives: scientific research (a), Statistical Capacity Building (b), and education (c).

About (a), specific goals are concerned with organizing workshops, specialized sessions at conferences and events, promoting special issues in scientific journals, disseminating internationally useful and comparable data on sports. About (b), special effort is devoted to enable statistical practitioners in the sport sector to use state-of-the-art methods for data collection, analysis and interpretation. Point (c) is pursued at different levels: schools, universities, sport societies, national and international Federations. The three channels do not develop independently, but the specific activities are integrated and put in synergy with each other.
"Statistics tells the story of humanity, where each person is a data point but has a unique tale. Recognizing that everyone counts is essential for accurate understanding, valuing each person's contribution to our collective knowledge.”

Marica Manisera, Committee Chair

Committee on Agricultural Statistics

The objective of the committee is to promote the development of and interest in agricultural statistics on an international basis.



The ISI Committee on Agricultural Statistics Committee conducted its annual meeting held as a side meeting of the 54th United Nations Statistical Commission in March 2023.

In May 2023, the Committee organized the Ninth International Conference of Agricultural Statistics (ICAS IX).

Selection of papers for the special ICAS IX were published on the September 2023 Issue of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS (September 2023)

Agricultural Statistics Special Interest Group's objective is to promote the development of an interest in agricultural statistics on an international basis.
Picture: Chair Gero Carletto

“Smallholder farmers, with over 40 percent being women, are the unsung heroes in our battle against global hunger. Providing women farmers with equal access to productive resources and opportunities isn't just a moral imperative, it’s simple economics. However, the dearth of good data and evidence-based policy hinders the participation of women and other marginalized groups in otherwise vibrant and rapidly transforming food systems. Better data on women farmers will contribute to more inclusive growth.” - Gero Carleto


Committee on Women in Statistics

"In 2023, the CW-ISI elevated women statisticians through launching the CW-ISI Webinar Series and organized influential ISI WSC 2023 meetings, sessions, and networking —Every achievement of women statisticians counts. Everyone counts."

Ksenija Dumicic, Committtee Chair



Committee on Women in Statistics

The Committee on Women in Statistics (CW-ISI) is a committee of the International Statistical Institute, which was formally established during the ISI Beijing Session in August 1995, but held its first meetings during the ISI Session in Istanbul in August 1997.
Ksenija Dumicic, Committee Chair
The objectives of the Committee are to:

Promote and strengthen the representation of women statisticians in the ISI and its sections.

Help in providing opportunities for women members to assume active and visible roles in the ISI and other statistical associations.

Facilitate the flow of information among women statisticians and help build regional and global networks of female statisticians

Stimulate interest in statistics among women and encourage women students in schools and colleges to study statistics.

Provide a platform for the exchange of studies and research on women’s issues in various parts of the world.

"In 2023, the CW-ISI elevated women statisticians through launching the CW-ISI Webinar Series and organized influential ISI WSC 2023 meetings, sessions, and networking —Every achievement of women statisticians counts. Everyone counts."
Our vision is to empower and support women in statistical roles across the world, spanning professions within academia, government, the private sector, civil society organizations, and international organizations.

Astrostatistics Special Interest Group

The main goal of the Astrostatistics SIG in the ISI, is to foster collaboration between members of the statistical and astronomical communities. It also seeks to support existing astrostatistical organisations and endeavors, and will serve as a locus for the dissemination of information regarding astrostatistical education programs, collaborations, conferences and websites.
Chair: Jogesh Babu



An Astrostatistics interest group was first formed by Joseph Hilbe in 2008. At the winter ISI Executive Committee board meeting in December of 2009, it became an ISI standing committee, and shortly thereafter was renamed the ISI Astrostatistics Network.

In 2012 the Network voted to become an independent global scientific association for astrostatistics and astroinformatics called the International Astrostatistics Association (IAA). Under Joseph Hilbe’s leadership, membership of IAA grew to 600, representing 45 countries on 6 continents.

At the 61st ISI World Statistics Congress, in July 2017 in Marrakech (Morocco), the ISI President-Elect and the Interim President of IAA discussed the future of astrostatistics within the ISI.  Emergence of a new organisational structure of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within the ISI, specifically to link statistics with other disciplines, would be helpful.  The Astrostatistics SIG within ISI was thus reactivated.

Committee's website
Jogesh Babu, Chair (Picture)
Statistics helps unveil the mysteries of planets, stars, galaxies and the Universe. — Jogesh Babu, Chair

Special Interest Group on Data Science

Data science has emerged as a very strong, visible, and publicly recognized label for problem-solving, using large, ever-growing datasets and new data sources. The analysis and interpretation of these kinds of data include the adaptation of existing methods, and development of novel statistical methods for specific data science applications.

The discussion on advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and requirements of the use of alternative methodologies and data sources,
in all areas of knowledge, is setting the stage for the debate in (inter)national communities of statisticians, computer scientists and other communities, all over the world.

 The Special Interest Group on Data Science aims to make the International Statistical Institute a recognised association amongst data scientists in the broadest sense.

<strong>Activities and Highlights in 2023</strong>

The ISI SIG on Data Science endorsed one conference in 2022 and one in 2023:

1. 4th Conference on Statistics and Data Science, Salvador, Brazil (Online), December 1-3, 2022.

2. International Conference on Data Science, Chile, November 8-10, 2023.

The ISI SIG on Data Science organized four IPS at the ISI WSC 2023:
1. “Data Science and Statistics: Challenges and Opportunities Within The ISI,” organized by Paulo Canas Rodrigues.

2. “Data Science in Statistics: Methodological and Applied Issues,” organized by Elisabetta Carfagna.

3. “High-Dimensional Financial Time Series,” organized by Carlos Trucios.

4. “Fourth Industrial Revolution, Data Science and the Future Of Official Statistics,” organized by Peter Popoola.

5. Paulo Canas Rodrigues and Elisabetta Carfagna wrote an opinion paper on “Data Science Applied to Environmental Sciences” 
Highlights in 2023

A project to be implemented in the framework of the G7 initiatives under the Italian presidency was submitted to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Since everyone counts, the project devotes particular attention to some African countries that show the highest need for improvement.

The aims of the project are: knowledge improvement and capacity development on data science in statistical institutes and ministries of some African countries to facilitate evidence-based decision making;

1. capacity improvement of some African Universities to teach data science courses to ensure that the improvement of data science skills continues over time and is extended to other countries.
Interest Group on Data Science with initiatives already in place.

2. Several high-level managers of statistical divisions in main international institutions have been contacted for coordinating the activities of the Special Interest Group

Building bridges:
- with other communities, particularly computer scientists, showing the role that statisticians can play in data science, particularly in the acquisition of data, to avoid biased classifications and estimates, and in results evaluation and interpretation
on Data Science with initiatives already in place. Relationships have been established with data science groups in the statistical societies of some countries.

Outlook for 2024
1. Building bridges:
- with other communities, particularly computer scientists, showing the role that statisticians can play in data science, particularly in the acquisition of data, to avoid biased classifications and estimates, and in results evaluation and interpretation;
- with data scientists working for the private sector and foster their involvement in the ISI activities, starting with the most important holdings;
- among communities, national and international institutions, and between developed and developing countries.

2. Contribute to foster the development and use of machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data in research, capacity building, and technical assistance, also in collaboration with other international initiatives.

3. Attract members and contributors from outside the ISI.

4. Propose IPS on data science for the ISI World Statistics Congresses and for other international and national conferences.

5. Start the implementation of the Erasmus+ project 5SCI (Sustainably Strengthening Statistical Science – Socio-economic Community Interaction).

Committee on Risk Analysis

The Committee is charged to improve and expand the role of statistics in risk analysis. The main focus of the committee will be on human health, welfare, and survival, but the committee will also pursue activities as indicated in risks to the environment and ecology, physical structures, agriculture, and other matters of concern. Specific interests include the identification of hazards, quantification of risks including susceptibility and risk modifiers, and assessment of exposures.
Building trust through Risk Analysis bring benefits for a successful and bright life where everyone counts.

Teresa Oliviera

Committee on History of Statistics

Jana Asher, Committee Chair

Maintain an archive of articles on the history of:
statistical methodology,
- official statistics,
- statistical computing,
- statistical education,
- survey statistics,
- business & industrial statistics,
- environmetrics,
- probability,
- stochastic processes.

Document the history of the International Statistical Institute, its Associations and national statistical organisations.

Write new articles in areas of interest to the community.
The Committee on the HIstory of Statistics of the ISI remains committed to reexamining our history to locate statisticians that have been marginalized and moving forward with a broad view of the community of statisticians that includes work on all populated continents.
The Committee on the History of Statistics' immediate goals are to:
Repopulate the Committee and review the Founders of Statistics webpage and populate with marginalized statisticians from our past.