IASE, the International Association for Statistical Education, seeks to promote, support and improve statistical education at all levels everywhere around the world.


Since 1991


IASE: International Association for Statistical Education

→ About the International Association for Statistical Education

The International Association for Statistical Education seeks to promote, support and improve statistical education at all levels everywhere around the world. It is the international umbrella organization for statistics education. The International Association for Statistical Education is a section of the International Statistical Institute. It was founded in 1991 as an outgrowth of the ISI Statistical Education Committee, which had operated since 1948.

Since 2002 the International Statistical Institute and The International Association for Statistical Education have published the Statistics Education Research Journal. The International Association for Statistical Education is also associated with the quadrennial International Conference on Teaching Statistics, with satellite conferences of the World Statistics Congress, and with smaller roundtable workshops.
Executive Committee
President: Dani BenZvi (See picture left)
President-Elect/Acting President: Alejandra Sorto (See picture below)
Past-President: Ayse Bilgin
Vice-President: Pip Arnold
Vice-President: Bruno De Sousa
Vice-President: Sibel Kazak
Vice-President: Katie Makar
Vice-President: Olushina Olawale Awe
Ex offico: Conchita Kleijweg (Director ISI)

Special assignments: 2023-5 TBA

The Full List
Full list of contributions by members who took special assignments can be found here →
" IASE activities are all aimed at improving statistical education around the world, hence we are committed to being intentional about including the participation of everyone who engages in the teaching and learning of statistics. We are stronger together, everyone counts!" — Alejandra Sorto

→ Activities and results 2023: Webinars


→ Link: All Organized Webinars

5 Dec 2023: Teachers’ autonomy and their reactions to teaching essential statistics and mathematics about global crises: A multinational view

13 Nov 2023: A collection of SERJ papers by new researchers 25 Sep 2023 : Emerging Trends in Statistics Education from 2017-2022 – What next?

23 Aug 2023: Challenges in Statistics Education-Today and Tomorrow

14 Jun 2023:
Desinformação estatística: desafios contemporâneos para justiça social | Statistics disinformation: contemporary challenges for social justice
14 Jun 2023: Desinformação estatística: desafios contemporâneos para justiça social | Statistics disinformation: contemporary challenges for social justice

23 May 2023: Statistical Edutainment - an ISLP webinar in conjunction with The International Association for Statistical Education.

26 Apr 2023:
Publishing in SERJ: Processes and Suggestions

7 Mar 2023:
Machine learning in secondary statistics education - challenges and possible ways to address them.

→ 2023: Conferences + Journal

→ Link: Website

143 educators, researchers, and students from across the world gathered for the hybrid IThe International Association for Statistical Education 2023 Satellite Conference on "Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science" hosted by the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto July 11 to 13, 2023.

Chris Wild kicked off the conference with thought-provoking questions about the role of statistics educators in the context of the dawn of the wide-spread availability of generative AI in his keynote address.

Attendees also learned from the other two keynote speakers, who challenged their audiences to consider new approaches and emerging opportunities in statistics and data science education.

Jürgen Symanzik provided insights into the teaching of data technologies, and Shingai Manjengwa shared her experiences developing a data science curriculum for Ontario high school students.

And a panel of seasoned educators from a variety of post-secondary contexts explored the application of universal learning principles in the teaching of statistics and data science.

The scientific program also included 43 presentations and 27 posters, addressing emerging research and practice on curricula, assessment, and learning in the current data landscape, the development of communication and computational skills, the creation of authentic learning experiences, the promotion of inclusive learning environments, and ways to enhance statistics and data science in schools.

Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science
In addition to the formal sessions, the conference provided ample opportunities for informal interaction and networking, both in person and through the virtual platform. Participants greatly valued these networking opportunities, as they were able to connect with like-minded individuals, seeking inspiration, advice, and potential collaborations.

The congress received a total of 22 proposals for The International Association for Statistical Education-related sessions. 16 of these were accepted. In addition, there were two Special Invited Paper Sessions for IASE: SIPS IASE president’s invited speaker and SERJ.

→ Link: Website

Issue 1: Regular issue
Issue 2: Special Issue on Early Statistical and Probabilistic Thinking
Issue 3: Regular Issue

→ Highlight 2023, Outlook 2024


→ Link: IASE 2023 Satellite Conference
"Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science" hosted by the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto July 11 to 13, 2023.


IASE 2024 Roundtable ─ Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand “Connecting data and people for inclusive statistics and data science education" Conference website: iase2024roundtable.github.io

The International Association for Statistical Education is pleased to announce its 2024 Roundtable Conference that will take place on July 2-5, 2024 in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand just before the 15th International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME-15; July 7-14, 2024 in Sydney, Australia).

The International Association for Statistical Education Roundtables are working conferences with the aim to bring 40-50 educators from around the world to share their passion, expertise and experiences in statistics and data science education.
We invite you to participate in this roundtable conference and help us to advance statistics and data science education. To ensure that the conference program allows time for deep conversations about each presentation and is inclusive across the wide range of statistics and data science educational contexts, we are limiting accepted submissions to approximately 50 with a priority for wide international participation and diverse perspectives.

The four-day Roundtable will focus on a unique theme: “Connecting data and people for inclusive statistics and data science education”. Given that the creation and use of data is a human-driven process, this conference aims to discuss the inclusivity of the teaching and learning experiences for both students and teachers within statistics and data science.